Welcome to Sud Exports

We sell and support in Southern Africa :
– Kauo Heng flatbed knitting machines
– LGL yarn storage feeders for flatbed knitting machines
– Milhan Makina winding/unwinding/twisting machines

– Beanies ans scarf circular knitting machine
– Sud Exports is the agent for worsted yarns from Safil (Italy) and acrylic / woolen yarns from BSML (India)

We have been involved with the textile industry since 1991 and we co-operate successfully with large factories as well as emerging entrepreneurs.

Sud Exports Details

To share our expertise and to provide a professional, reliable and ethical service to our customers in Southern Africa.
It starts with supplying the suitable equipment and then offering installation, training, after sale support that customers need to grow successfully their business.
“we care for our customers, we are proud of the equipment we sell”

7 Martingale Avenue Hout Bay 7806 – South Africa
Tel: (27) 021 790 07 26
email: admin@sudexports.com
contact : Frederic Teich



Sud Exports Team

Bebe Niculescu
Bebe NiculescuTechnician
Frederic Teich
Frederic TeichC.E.O.
Debby McHenery
Debby McHeneryAdmin Support